Plamere Fibroblast Plasma - After Care

In the case of any unusual reactions, please call us at the clinic for advice. If we are not available and you are concerned, please see your medical professional. Please ensure you let us know of any complications or concerns as soon as possible.

This treatment, although superficial, can leave the area swollen and uncomfortable for 2-3 days. Correctly following the following aftercare instructions will reduce this discomfort.

Healing: initial swelling and brown dots will clear in 2-3 days, complete healing will take 3-4 weeks. Results can vary from client to client. Improvement will be gradual from about week 2 for 6 months.

How often can this be done?

A follow-up treatment can be done in 8-12 weeks. Most clients will get a significant improvement after 1-3 treatments.

AFTERCARE DAY 1 (The day of treatment):

Apply cold, wet and clean cotton rounds to the area for 10-20 mins every hour. Place a towel or cold wheat-bag over the top to add compression. This will reduce the heat and prevent excessive swelling. (N.B. wet cotton balls/rounds can be kept in the fridge to make them really cold). Keep the area raised and consider sleeping in a more upright position for the first night if you can. Once cooled, apply a very fine layer of soothing Included balm to the area. (It may tingle a little on more sensitive areas). Paracetamol or similar can be taken if needed. NO sun and any heat (e.g. from exercise, hot water, etc.). Do not put any other products on the area. The Area has to go through the wound healing phase.

DAYS 2-3:

Cool and compress if needed. Apply provided balm when needed, otherwise keep the area clean and dry. DO NOT PICK at any dots or scabs (this could lead to scarring). Avoid sun and any heat (e.g. from exercise, hot water, etc.). You can now use mineral makeup over the area if you wish and your usual skincare.


CONTINUE TO AVOID THE SUN! Do not have any other treatment over this area until fully healed (6-8 weeks). The area will gradually improve and tighten over the next few weeks, and sometimes there is still improvement after several months.

SPF is essential - a great skin care range is vital. We recommend NZ Prologic and its skin healing powers.